
Tilfit: in-house gym

Workplace health is a hot topic nowadays. Having healthy employees boosts productivity on the workfloor and creates a healthy work environment. At Tilbox, we have therefore invested in our own sports facilities where employees can relax both mentally and physically and feel inspired.

Because at Tilbox, we believe in promoting a healthy lifestyle and the wellbeing of our employees. Our new gym has therefore been designed with great attention to detail, consisting of a wide array of modern facilities and equipment to meet the needs of all our employees. Cardio equipment, treadmills, exercise bikes and cross-trainers, strength training equipment and free weights... 

The Tilbox gym has everything you need for a complete body workout. A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise boosts your physical and your mental health. Thanks to the Tilfit in-house gym, employees can stick to their daily workout schedule more easily. Having a gym at work saves time, effort, and money! Want to work out with your co-workers before or after work? Check our careers page!